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Raspberry Pi Starter Kit

Raspberry Pi Starter Kit
Raspberry Pi Starter Kit
Raspberry Pi Starter Kit
Raspberry Pi Starter Kit
Raspberry Pi Starter Kit
Out Of Stock
Raspberry Pi Starter Kit
Raspberry Pi Starter Kit
Raspberry Pi Starter Kit
Raspberry Pi Starter Kit
Raspberry Pi Starter Kit
Raspberry Pi Starter Kit

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KES 7,500.00
  • Stock: Out Of Stock
  • Model: Raspberry Pi Starter Kit
  • SKU: 1269
  • 3 programing languages -> C, Python (compatible with 2&3) and Java.
  • 434 pages detailed PDF tutorials (include basic electronics knowledge) and complete code -> Download link:
  • 223 items for 57 interesting projects -> Each project has circuit diagram and tested code with detailed explanation.
  • Compatible models -> Raspberry Pi 4B / 3B+ / 3B / 3A+ / 2B / 1B+ / 1A+ / Zero W / Zero. (NOT included in this kit)

Parts List

Led Red 5mm Diffused x 10

Led Green 5mm Diffused x 4

Led Blue 5mm  Diffused x 4

led Yellow 5mm Diffused x 4

Led RGB 5mm Diffused CC x 1

Led 7 segment 1 Digit Green CC x 1

Led 7 segment 4 Digit Green CC x 1

Led 8x8 Matrix Red

Resistor 220 Ohm x 20

Resistor 1K x 10

Resistor 10k x 10

Potentiometer 10K x 3

Capacitor 0.1uf x 2

Capacitor 10uf x 2

Tactile 6x6x5 x6

tactile Push Button 12x12x6 x 4

Slide switch SPDT x 1

Vibration Switch x 1

Keypad Membrane 4x4 x 1

Diode 1N4001 x2

Transistor 2N3904 x 2

Transistor 2N3906 x 6

Battery Holder 2 x AAA x 1

Battery Cable 9V x 1

Breadboard Including power module x 1

DC Plug 2.1mm x 1

L293D x 1

74HC595 x 3

PCF8591 x 1

Buzzer Active x 2

Buzzer Passive x 1

DHT11 x 1

Thermistor NTC 10K x 1

Photoresistor x 1

Relay 5V x 1

Micro130 DC Motor x 1

Servo SG90 x 1

Stepper Motor 5V incl Driver x 1

Joystick Module x 1

PIR Motion Sensor x 1

Ultrasonic Sensor x 1

MPU6050 x 1

LCD1602 including I2C module x 1

GPIO Extenion Board incl Cable x 1

Jumper Wires 65pc M-M

Jumper Wire F-F

Jumper Wire F-M

Veroboard x 3

Header Pin Male x 1

Header Pin Female x 1

Resistor Chart x 1

Plastic Storage Box