These are 20cm and 10 cm long jumper wires terminated as male to male. Use these to jumper from any female header on any board. Multiple jumpers can b..
The A3144 is an integrated Hall effect latched sensor. That’s nice but what does it do? Holding a magnet near the sensor will cause the output pin to ..
The HT 12E Encoder ICs are series of CMOS LSIs for Remote Control system applications. They are capable of Encoding 12 bit of information which consis..
LCD Display Module 1602 - BLUETransform your electronics projects with this high-quality 1602 LCD Display Module, designed to provide a crisp and clea..
The RS232 to TTL converter module is widely used in radio modifications,phone flash, XBOX360 flash, GPS, vehicle detection, DVD flash, hard disk repai..
This is the new PICkit 3. The PICkit 3 allows debugging and programming of PIC and dsPIC microcontrollers using the powerful graphical user interface ..
The HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor uses sonar to determine distance to an object like bats or dolphins do. It offers excellent range accuracy and stable re..
These long-lasting bits are made from high quality tungsten steel for a precise,easy experience. These carbide bits are mainly used in PCB drill desig..
LCD Display Module 1602 - Yellow/Green BacklightTransform your electronics projects with this high-quality 1602 LCD Display Module, designed to provid..
This is our heat shrink kit. We use it for all sorts of handy projects. Use it to reinforce connections, protect devices, and electrically isolate exp..
The LP2950 and LP2951 are micropower low dropout (LDO) linear voltage regulators that are specifically designed to maintain proper regulation with an ..
An adjustable potentiometer can open up many interesting user interfaces. Turn the pot and the resistance changes. Connect VCC to an outer pin, GND to..
The Arduino community has come up with the latest revision for the Uno board. It is a beautifully designed board not only from its looks but has some ..
This is an easy, simple to use Passive IR (PIR) sensor – it only needs a single I/O pin on a microcontroller.or can be easily interfaced with relay or..
The RS232 to TTL converter module is widely used in radio modifications,phone flash, XBOX360 flash, GPS, vehicle detection, DVD flash, hard disk repai..
The ‘must have’ IC for 3V projects. This is the RS232 converter IC that is capable of running at 3V and communicating with 3V logic.This chip comes in..
FR232RL is a USB to UART Bridge IC from FTDI in SSOP-28 Package. This IC comes with internal oscillator and built in EEPROM for user define device ID ..
The RS232 to TTL converter module is widely used in radio modifications,phone flash, XBOX360 flash, GPS, vehicle detection, DVD flash, hard disk repai..