Make a small linear display with a glowing pure-green color using this elegant LED bargraph. This pure-green color is much more vivid and closer to bl..
The Arduino Leonardo is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega32u4 (datasheet). It has 20 digital input/output pins (of which 7 can be used as PW..
This is a pre-wired and waterproofed version of the DS18B20 sensor. Handy for when you need to measure something far away, or in wet conditions. While..
This is a basic 20 character by 4 line display. Black text on Green background or White text on Blue background. Utilizes the extremely common HD44780..
Punch in your secret key into this numeric matrix keypad. This keypad has 12 buttons, arranged in a telephone-line 3x4 grid. It's made of a thin, flex..
These are 20cm and 10 cm long jumper wires terminated as male to male. Use these to jumper from any female header on any board. Multiple jumpers can b..
These Simple RF receivers are the easiest way possible to add wireless control, painlessly! There's no programming, configuring or addressing - simply..
The HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor uses sonar to determine distance to an object like bats or dolphins do. It offers excellent range accuracy and stable re..
The Arduino TFT screen is a backlit LCD screen with headers. You can draw text, images, and shapes to the screen with the TFT library. There is an onb..
This 16-button keypad provides a useful human interface component for microcontroller projects. Convenient adhesive backing provides a simple way to m..
An adjustable potentiometer can open up many interesting user interfaces. Turn the pot and the resistance changes. Connect VCC to an outer pin, GND to..
The Arduino community has come up with the latest revision for the Uno board. It is a beautifully designed board not only from its looks but has some ..
ENC28J60 Ethernet Module utilizes the new Microchip ENC28J60 Stand-Alone Ethernet Controller IC featuring a host of features to handle most of the net..
The Nokia 5110 is a basic graphic LCD screen for lots of applications. It was originally intended for as a cell phone screen. This one is mounted on a..
Water flow sensor consists of a plastic valve body, a water rotor, and a hall-effect sensor. When water flows through the rotor, rotor rolls. Its spee..
A float switch is a device used to sense the level of liquid within a tank. The switch may actuate a pump, an indicator, an alarm, or other device.
The adapter interfaces the 1602/1604/2004 LCD to the arduino. It has an output port of 4wires, meaning it frees up the much needed I/O ports of the ar..
Jumper wires are simply wires that have connector pins at each end, allowing them to be used to connect two points to each other without soldering. Ju..
Make a small linear display with a glowing blue color using this elegant LED bargraph. Only 1" long, it is quite visible but not so large it wont plug..
Make a small linear display with a glowing pure-green color using this elegant LED bargraph. This pure-green color is much more vivid and closer to bl..
Make a small linear display with a glowing red color using this elegant LED bargraph. Only 1" long, it is quite visible but not so large it wont plug ..
Make a small linear display with a glowing white color using this elegant LED bargraph. Only 1" long, it is quite visible but not so large it wont plu..
This is the LM3914 Dot/Bar display analog-controlled LED driver that uses an alinear output scale. With this driver all it takes is a single, analog s..